A Fragrance Blog by Rei Nguyen

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Greetings from Rei,

If you are a wanderer and happen to find my place here, welcome to my scent world.

My journey started in 2016 when I accidentally fell in love with aromatherapy and the magic of healing from nature. I believed the universe sent me a message and I just followed the voice inside me. Step by step, I discovered the world of perfume where I found my true call and decided to pursue the dream of becoming a perfumer.

I was born and grew up in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where the concept of being a perfumer is so new and even seems impossible. In the first days of discovering the world of perfume, I was in a chaos of mixed feeling of excitement and disappointment. I found where I belong to at the age of 26, yet everything was dim and I had no idea of where to start and how to continue my dream. I took all my time researching and learning, first from the internet, and luckily was then guided by my business partner and my mentor after all. He taught me the very first literature about essential oils and their magical properties. Then I came closer to the world of perfume, learning to blend the first oils and then making the first perfumes, all out of my curiosity and the inner child who loves to capture all memories she has in beautiful bottles.

I am not yet a perfumer, as I know perfumery is a long pursuit of true art and alchemy, and I am still in the first years learning how to feel and play with the perfume notes. Through perfume, I found myself. I enjoy the work of learning the materials, playing with them, talking to them as soulmates and painting them in smell. Perfume is my art, where I demonstrate my feeling, my philosophy.

On my journey, I also conduct a lot of workshops under different topics, and all about scents. This is the way I draw my community towards the world of scent, which has been dominated by many giants in the fragrance industry for so long. What is  real perfumes without the fame of celebrities and massive-budget commercial ads? I want to share what I learn along the way with my friends and with those whose interest is perfume. From solid perfume, spray perfume to massage oil, body lotion, hand cream…, I want to help people feel the smell and create their unique scent without having to run to expensive products in the market. Organizing workshop is how I interact with people and share the message of perfume art.

I hope you enjoy my blog and find useful information here. I would love to hear from you at nguyendongochuyen@gmail.com.

With love,

